Do you make a to-do list, . . . but then don't do it?

Do you have a schedule . . . that you don't follow?

Do you know what you should do, . . . but can always find a reason not to?

If so, then I understand.

When you work by yourself day-in- and day-out, and there's no one around to hold you accountable for what you do with your time, then it's easy to find something else to do.


Maybe you don't feel like it, or you had a bad night, or you see something that you've been meaning to fix for absolutely ages and rather than put it off for any longer, you decide that it must be done today.

When you're not accountable to anyone, you can always find a reason to ignore what you should be doing.

This kind of thing happens to most people at one time or another. Life happens. However, when, this happens day after day after day, then you know there's a problem.

The thing is that if you tell yourself each time this happens that it's an exception, then you'll never fix it. You'll be tell yourself that forever.

Wouldn't you like to change that?

Wouldn't you like to look back over the previous weeks, months, and perhaps even years, and see that you turned things around?


One of the most effective ways to put an end to your procrastination is to get an accountability partner.

Now you may resist this. A lot of people do.

They tell themselves that they have the self-discipline that's necessary to do their work without one. But their track record says otherwise.

The thing is that either you hold yourself accountable, or you don't.


How do you know if you hold yourself accountable? By examining how faithfully you show up and work.

For instance, how many hours of deep work do you put in during a typical week? And how does that compare to the number of hours you think your boss, if you had one, would expect you to put in?

When you work from home, you don't have the interruptions. Phones aren't jangling off your desk, and you're not getting constant emails from people that demand your time and attention.

You're in charge of your agenda. It's up to you how you spend your time.

But what happens is that your to-do list becomes a wouldn't-it-be-nice-if-these-things-just-happened list. And your schedule becomes a wouldn't-it-be-nice-if-I-worked-all-those-hours schedule.

No matter what you call it, if it doesn't go beyond wouldn't-it-be-nice, then you're not holding yourself accountable.


When you had a boss, you probably were expected to work a 40-hour week, and you probably noticed that if you didn't have any interruptions, then you could do it in half the time.

Now that you aren't accountable to a boss, it's easier to let the time get away from you.

Are you engaged in three to four hours of undistracted work every day?

If you're putting in anything less than that, then it's probably because you aren't holding yourself accountable. Instead, you've come up with a method - a line of thinking - that excuses you; that lets you off the hook.


So the question is, "Why?"

Why don't you do it?

And the answer is that you don't have anyone who will hold you accountable.

And that's why I've created the Personal Accountability Coaching Program.


It's short and sweet.

There's no minimum time, though I recommend that you enroll in it for at least 90 days.

That's because of the widely believed myth that a new habit is formed in 21 days. If it only took a few weeks to form a new habit, then all of the dieting companies, gyms, and fitness centers would've gone out of business a long time ago.

The truth is that it takes more than two months to change or develop a new habit. And so if you want to stand any chance at all of learning how to hold yourself accountable, then you need someone else to help you to do that until it becomes second nature.


Here's how it'll work.

We'll meet weekly for 10 minutes on Zoom.

At each meeting, you'll tell me what you accomplished in the past week. Then you'll make promises for the coming week. The promises are your to-do list.

I may push you to do more, but I won't accept excuses. That's what an Accountability Partner is for.


If you want to ask questions, get advice, etc, then the One Question Coaching Program is better for you. In it, you can talk to me as often as you want to during that month.

The Personal Accountability Coaching Program, however, is designed solely to hold you accountable for how you spend your time each week.

You determine how much work you'll do, and then you'll report to me how you did.

The program is just $97 $37 per month - a steal  when you think about what you're getting!